Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Evolution of Music and Happy Halloween!

Time for an update!

I really enjoyed our recital last month. It was so fun to organize it chronologically: "The Evolution of Music." I love having a chance to play for you and seeing each of you prepare for and learn from each performance. It was a first recital for about half of you and I was proud of your effort. Two highlights for me were Avery's "Porcupine Dance" (very pokey) and Emmalyn's 3 pieces-especially the description of killing a spider at the end. :)

Now we look forward to Solo Competitions in February with Encore. There is some really beautiful music being learned. I hope you'll each work hard to do your music justice and bring it into the realm of creative artistry.

This week for group class we're performing your own compositions! Halloween Piece Time! This is such a fun group class where you get the freedom to make your own music and convey the fun and/or scariness of Halloween through music. Have fun with it!

See you bright and early!


Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Your Piano Grandfather is Retiring

I had the special privilege and honor of playing a trio version of Debussy's "Clair de Lune" at Dr. Shumway's retirement party. He wrote the arrangement and it's beautiful. It was such a treat to get back together with Stephanie Talbot Stuart and Tara Ellingford, two great friends from the piano program. It made me so hungry to go back and get my Master's Degree! 
It was a bittersweet day for me and those feelings linger. I am happy for Dr. Shumway and grateful for the moment to honor him, but SO SAD he's retiring! What about all the music inside of him?! I hope he continues teaching, but I guess the genius of a man deserves a break. He is a giant of a man and musician. I will be forever grateful for the influence he had in my life. He taught my soul to speak through the medium of the piano. Thank you, Dr. Shumway!

Here's a letter I wrote to him for the occasion.

Dr. Shumway, April 2016

Hello! It was so wonderful to see you at the retirement party on Friday. I regrettably didn’t hear about the memory book on the secret facebook page until too late but I still wanted to offer my own tribute, memories, and thanks. Perhaps you can add my letter to your book. I would be honored to contribute some of my thoughts and gratitude to a man who has had such a profound and lasting influence on my life.

I still remember when my first piano teacher Mildred Millett called me on the phone at 12 years old to encourage me to audition to study with you. It was a major moment of decision at a formative part of my life and I will forever be grateful I did. Having studied with you for nine years, I have a great deal to say! Your influence on my life is too great to be measured. You taught my soul to speak through the medium of the piano.

I don’t even know how to comment on your brilliance as a pianist and a teacher. Anything I could say would be understated. I was always in complete awe. You truly are one of the greatest minds that has ever lived. Every lesson was intellectually-enlarging, stretching, and even mind-blowing! The depth and breadth of what you understand and also your ability to communicate it to me in a way I would understand and apply has set the highest standard for my work as a teacher.

I am so grateful to have learned from your incomparable genius and also your balanced approach to life. You taught me to demand excellence of myself as a pianist. I remember one master class where you reminded us all at the end that one should “have great loves” in life, that it made for a more whole, well-rounded person and that living and loving would even improve the way we play. I loved that.

At the party you asked me what I’m doing. Personally, I am raising four beautiful little children and infusing their hearts and minds with music. I love teaching my oldest son to play. He’s doing quite well! I’m going to tell him over and over how you count every measure you play. Professionally, I am teaching some wonderful and talented students, playing for my students and professional accompanying (on Classical 89’s Highway 89 was fun), starting group piano classes and hymns only classes in my new group piano studio, saving every penny for my own grand piano, and always learning and loving new music. You inspired me to always be learning. I strive to be that kind of a teacher who is always fresh and exciting because I’m continually progressing, the way you were. I know you invested a great deal in me and I strive daily to live up to it and not disappoint you. I give a Piano Genealogy sheet to each of my students and encourage them to live up to the legacy as well. I’m hoping to come back and complete a master’s degree some day.

Graduation was quite a bittersweet day for me. I have missed lessons every day since. I am so grateful for the foresight you had to prepare me to continue learning throughout my life, from the way I approach learning a piece to the Piano Lit final project which I still refer to and add to. Thank you, Dr. Shumway, for everything you taught me. Your influence will live with me through every piece I play, every lesson I teach, and every day I live. May you fully enjoy your retirement! Write a book on the best Scrabble words. ;)

All my admiration,

Maria Heward

Monday, February 8, 2016


Congratulations to Emma J. for being a winner in this year's Jr. Solo Festival! You worked hard and played beautifully. Well done!

See the list of winners here.